Innovation is changing our world faster than imaginable with commercialising innovative technologies faster than most people realise. Disruption is the result of multiple new technologies and new business models. Check out articles on energy disruption, transportation and food and agriculture.

Tesla Achievements 2018 to 2024

From 2018 to mid-2024, Tesla achieved significant milestones, including delivering millions of vehicles globally, advancing energy storage deployments, and expanding its Supercharger network. Notable accomplishments are the unveiling of new models, expanding autonomous driving features, and achieving profitability. Production has become more efficient, and several new technologies, including FSD and Optimus robots, were developed.
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Tesla Achievements 2018 to 2024

153 Countries 100% Renewable Energy

A decade after Prof. Mark Jacobson’s 2015 proposal for 100% renewable energy in 153 countries, significant debates continue. Despite initial challenges and legal disputes, Jacobson defended his model, though some technological predictions, like concentrated solar power, fell short. Notably, California’s renewable energy achievements in 2024 affirm the feasibility and importance of his vision.
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153 Countries 100% Renewable Energy

Advances in Thorium Nuclear Reactors

India and China have made considerable progress in developing thorium-based nuclear reactors, recognizing their potential as safer, more sustainable alternatives to uranium reactors. India’s program focuses on the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor using thorium and a small amount of uranium-233, while China’s involves pioneering molten salt technology in the Chinese Thorium Molten Salt Reactor project. Alongside, companies like Copenhagen Atomic…
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Advances in Thorium Nuclear Reactors

AI Needs 5 times More Electricity than Transportation

AI computing’s surge outpaces electricity demand for transportation, potentially exceeding it due to expansive training and inference needs. Massive datacenters from tech giants necessitate immense power, raising speculation about electricity shortages. Tesla leads with significant investments in low-power and high-performance chips, aiming for exascale AI capabilities. This growth in AI computation could increase datacenter electricity use fourfold within a decade,…
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Stellantis Flawed Hydrogen Strategy

Previously we outlined ten reasons hydrogen was dead for transportation, yet we see Stellantis flawed hydrogen strategy proposed by the CEO. Despite Carolos Tavares says in an online event that the cost of hydrogen mobility is ‘sky high’, just two months after introducing eight new H2 van models. He says fuel-cell road transport is ‘far from being affordable’, with cost…
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Stellantis Flawed Hydrogen Strategy

Chinese Coal Drops from 70 to 45 Percent by 2030

Lauri Myllyvirta forecasts China’s coal dependency to drop from 70% to 45% by 2030, influenced by renewable expansions and energy policy shifts reported in April 2024. Despite local-global energy strategy conflicts and bureaucratic hurdles, China’s renewable energy sector is flourishing with vast solar and wind installations, and plummeting solar, battery prices. China’s energy security challenge is compounded by coal quality…
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Chinese Coal Drops from 70 to 45 Percent by 2030

Fitness Wearables For Disease Prevention

Cancer, heart and lifestyle diseases are rising. Dr Synder from Harvard shows better measuring of health function using AI and wearable monitors assist in changing lifestyle diseases. Prevention is better than cure, and early detection saves lives.
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Fitness Wearables For Disease Prevention

Tesla Robotaxi Finance Model

Tesla has been promising a robotaxi for some years. This is a new robotaxi finance model and confirms what Tony Seba of RethinkX, or Ark Invest all predict. The robotaxi is a trillion dollar industry and Tesla valuation will depend on delivering robotaxi services.
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Tesla Robotaxi Finance Model

Scary Climate Change News 2° not 1.5° by 2040’s

Four indicators tell us a scary climate Change is more likely. Most are unaware, as they have taken the 1.5 degrees Net Zero. Research says tht the pipeline of CO2 and Methane will blow that out to 2 to 3 degrees by 2050. Aerosols, CO2 emission, and Methane are the major contributors
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Scary Climate Change News 2° not 1.5° by 2040’s

Robotaxis not Rail for Sunshine Coast

Robotaxis not Rail for Sunshine Coast is a novel view of the 25 years of planning transport from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast. The project has reached another milestone. Is it the wrong one.
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Robotaxis not Rail for Sunshine Coast

eVTol the End of Helicopters

Electric vertical takeoff and landing craft – a combination of helicopter and airplane are coming in 2025 as production and regulations are met. Piloted, 4 seater aand first focus is cross city Uber style from downtown New York, Chicago, Los Angeles to the airport. Joby and Archer are well funded to be sucessful
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eVTol the End of Helicopters

China’s Energy Megabase Plan 

China’s plan to have 445GW of renewabe energy in megabases to shore up the 1,200 GW planned by 2030 to be 25% low emission electricity supply.
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China’s Energy Megabase Plan 

Nitrogen Fertilizer Replaced by AI and Bacteria

What if AI Genetics can create an organism producing nitrogen nutrient inside the plant itself. Conventional greening of nitrogen fertilizer is using green hydrogen instead of fossil fuel. Will the trillion dollar market for nitrogen fertilizer be disrupted?
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Nitrogen Fertilizer Replaced by AI and Bacteria

Zero Population Growth & Carrying Capacity

What is zero population growth? It is associated with carrying capacity or what is sustainable and equitable. Can the earth support 2 billion or 40 billion people? Population, food, energy house and labour workforce are discussed
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Zero Population Growth & Carrying Capacity

100 Companies Reducing 71% of Emissions

100 Companies Reducing 71% of Emissions are the key to challenging the 100 companies who generated 70% of emissions. Solar, battery, wind and EV manufactures are driving changes in emissions.
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100 Companies Reducing 71% of Emissions

100 Companies Responsible for 71% of Emissions

100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions – and just 25 fossil fuel companies are linked to 51% of emissions. Many have little investment in reduction of emissions. even 8 years on from a 2016 report identifying them.
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100 Companies Responsible for 71% of Emissions

New Vehicle Efficiency Standard for Australia

The Australian Government released the background briefing paper – Cleaner, Cheaper Cars to Run – New Vehicle Efficiency Standard for Australia in January 2024 and plan to enact legislation in 2024. Download the full paper here. The Govt Infrastructure Dept came up with 3 scenarios and ask interested parties to provide submissions by early March 2024. Supposedly the preferred legislation…
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New Vehicle Efficiency Standard for Australia

Molten Oxide Electrolysis for Green Steel

The molten oxide electrolysis process by Boston Metals has the opportunity to revolutionise steel refining. During the past decade, they have progressed from lab scale to millions of tonnes industrial process and would enable rapid decarbonisation of the steel industry.
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Molten Oxide Electrolysis for Green Steel

AMOC Tipping Point – Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

The Atlantic meridional overturning cirulating current coiuld be a major risk from climate change. No one can predict, but 7m sea rises and 5 degree termperature for Northern Europe.
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AMOC Tipping Point – Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

Tidal & Wave Power Untapped Energy

Tidal and wave power are untapped energy resources yet despite 2 decades have scarely moved beyond demonstration and pilot systems. The marine environment is harse, bespoke and has severe enironmental and social barriers.
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Tidal & Wave Power Untapped Energy

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Why change discussion? Because change management relies on four core principles and these are :

  • Understand Change.
  • Plan Change.
  • Implement Change.
  • Communicate Change.

Change is happening rapidly. Climate change. Renewable energy. Transportation. This period of human existence is one of the great revolutions of the last 20,000 years, and the changes will be as or more profound as previous revolutions:

  • First Industrial Revolution 1765
  • Second Industrial Revolution 1870.
  • Third Industrial Revolution 1969.
  • Industry 4.0

This industrial revolution 4 will be as profound as previous ones. Over the 250 years of the first revolution, and 135 years of electricity, the advent of free energy will liberate the 30% of the global people who have energy poverty.

Commercialising Innovative Technologies

About 20 years ago, an astute Canadian told me there are 3 reasons people change.

  • They make money
  • They lose money
  • It is the law

The strongest change is when there are 2 factors in play. So change can be sudden. Whenever something is 1/10th of the cost, change will happen. Adoption is often 10 years to get to 1% of the market. Then within a decade, it can hold 80% of the market. Often it is not a 1 to 1 substitution.

Article Perspectives

Check out the various recent blogs. I try to view these subjects from 3 perspectives.

  • Technology. Does it work? We know that R&D and scaling of solution will drive up the tech, and decrease costs
  • Economics. Are the compelling financial or economic drivers for change? Will these change with R&D or scaling?
  • Politics. What are the institutional barriers or the individuals belief systems?

Innovation is never a straight line.

Commercialing innovative technologies
Innovation over the past 100 years has been an “S” Curve (from Tony Seba,

Challenges to Transition

The International Energy Agency says the data shows a looming mismatch between the world’s strengthened climate ambitions and the availability of critical minerals that are essential to realising those ambitions. This in the energy market is also true to other aspects of change over the next 10 years.