Tesla Optimus is Closer to reality

In a video released in mid Dec 2023, the Tesla optimus robot is closer to reality that many realise – even those who follow the progression closely. Cathie Woods and Tony Seba both say robotics are one of the key technologies disrupting society, and a number of companies have robots in development. Tesla introduced the Optimus Humanoid Robot at AI day 2 years ago, and progress has been swift.

Demonstrating Telsa Optimus Robot is Closer to Reality than We Think

Released on X.com but rapidly shared and dissected by commentators.

  • Moves smoother, faster with better joints and sensors.
  • Thinks faster on-board, learns from experience.
  • Simpler design, cheaper to build and fix.
  • Big step towards real-world robots.
First release on X at https://x.com/Tesla_Optimus/status/1734756150137225501?s=20

Features from Latest Optimum

From launch in 2019, each announcement of Tesla’s Optimus brings significant changes. Compared to the previous prototype unveiled in September 2022:

Improved Mobility and Dexterity:

  • New Actuators. More powerful and efficient actuators leading to smoother and more coordinated movements.
  • Enhanced Joint Design. Joints have been redesigned for increased range of motion and flexibility. Allows more complex tasks.
  • Vision and Sensor Fusion: Upgraded vision systems. Improved sensor fusion enable better environment perception and more precise manipulation of objects.

Enhanced Autonomy and Intelligence:

  • Onboard AI Processing: The robot now houses its own AI chip. This enables faster decision-making and real-time response to changing situations without relying on external servers.
  • Natural Language Processing: Advancements in NLP allow the robot to understand and respond to human instructions and inquiries more effectively.
  • Learning and Adaptation: Can learn from its experiences and adapt behavior to handle novel situations and tasks.

Cost Reduction and Scalability:

  • Simplified Design: The robot’s design has been streamlined with fewer components, aiming for easier and more cost-effective production.
  • Modular Construction: Modular components facilitate easier repair and replacement, reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
  • Scalable Manufacturing: Weight has decreased by 10kg, ready for mass production.

Overall, the Optimus Gen 2 marks a significant step forward in Tesla’s robotics ambitions.

We will see how quickly its capabilities and specifications may evolve further before its official release. The video highlights Tesla’s progress in the field of humanoid robotics and its potential impact on various industries. First use will almost certainly be in Tesla’s vehicle production