Climate Change

Climate change and net Zero is a compelling challengee

china emissions drop to 45% by 2030

Chinese Coal Drops from 70 to 45 Percent by 2030

Lauri Myllyvirta forecasts China’s coal dependency to drop from 70% to 45% by 2030, influenced by renewable expansions and energy policy shifts reported in April 2024. Despite local-global energy strategy conflicts and bureaucratic hurdles, China’s renewable energy sector is flourishing with vast solar and wind installations, and plummeting solar, battery prices. China’s energy security challenge is compounded by coal quality issues and reliance on imports.

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new vehicle emissions paper

New Vehicle Efficiency Standard for Australia

The Australian Government released the background briefing paper – Cleaner, Cheaper Cars to Run – New Vehicle Efficiency Standard for Australia in January 2024 and plan to enact legislation in 2024. Download the full paper here. The Govt Infrastructure Dept came up with 3 scenarios and ask interested parties to provide submissions by early March

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